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BAC Holding International Corp.

close up person with ipad

BAC Holding International Corp

Dear shareholder.

In relation to the payment of dividends to be made in 2024, keep in mind that, if your shares are not under the administration of a stock brokerage company, your registration in the Direct Payment to Investor (PDI) service is required, through Deceval customer service channels.

Telephones: 018000111901

                   6013077127 (option 2)

Offices: Carrera 7 No. 71-21 Torre B Piso 12, Bogotá

                Carrera 43 A No. 1-50, Torre 3, Local 301 San Fernando Plaza - Medellín

Email: servicioalcliente@bvc.com.co


of clients throughout the region


BAC people in Central America


of digitized customers

*Data from BAC Holding International Corp. and subsidiaries

Corporate Profile
BAC Holding International Corp.
Board of Directors
Legal Representatives
Mission and Values
"Net Positive" Strategy
Financial Results
Corporate governance
Ethical Line
Shareholders and Assemblies
Relevant Facts
General information

BAC Holding International Corp.

BAC Holding International Corp., is a company incorporated under the Companies Law of the Republic of Panama, and its corporate purpose is to hold shares issued by national or foreign companies. In this sense, it acts as the holding company of the BAC group.


BAC is the leading financial group in Central America, with more than 5 million customers and a team of more than 20,000 employees in the region. BAC is an entity committed to promoting economic, social and environmental prosperity in the countries where it operates, being the first financial group in the region to adhere to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking.


BAC wants to be a bank that offers triple positive value financial solutions. This means that with the same excellence and rigor that it works to maximize economic value, it will also do so to maximize and share social and environmental value with all stakeholders. 

Board of Directors

Rodolfo Tabash Espinach 
Director and President - Appointed from September 15, 2021
Before taking the position of President and Chief Executive Officer, Rodolfo held multiple positions at BAC, including as Country Manager of BAC Panama, General Manager of BAC International Bank, and Chief Operating Officer for the entire Central American region, where he was in charge of implementing the Group’s strategic banking for all countries. He is Costa Rican and has an MBA from INCAE. He is currently a member of multiple boards of directors in the Financial Group. 
Daniel Pérez Umaña 
Director and Secretary - Appointed from September 15, 2021
Daniel holds a Master’s Degree in Law with an emphasis on Corporate and Financial Law from Harvard Law School and Master’s of Law with an emphasis in Comparative Financial Law and International Dispute Resolution from Oxford University. He has more than 15 years of experience in corporate and financial law. In 2011, he was recognized by Chambers Latin America as one of the leading financial law professionals in Costa Rica. 
Fabio Guillermo Riaño Acero  
Director and Treasurer - Appointed from March 25, 2022
Fabio is an economist and has a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) from the Universidad del Valle de Colombia; a certification in Financial Analysis from the Colombian Institute of Administration; and extensive experience in risk prevention and taxes. He has a solid track record in the financial and business sectors. In addition, he has worked as a university professor.  
Alfonso Rodríguez Azuero  
Director - Independent - Appointed from March 25, 2022
With more than 30 years of experience in the financial sector, Alfonso has held positions as vice president of finance, credit, and risk management, and more recently, as the General Representative of a financial institution in Panama. In addition, he sat on the Board of Directors for renowned companies throughout the region. He is an economist and graduate of the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia.  

Laura Barrios Altafulla

Director - Independent
Lawyer with experience in Tax Law, both at the level of private consulting and Panamanian government entities. In addition, she has experience as a negotiator of international agreements for the Government of Panama. She holds a degree in Law and Political Science from the Universidad Católica Santa María de la Antigua in Panama, and a master's degree in International Tax Law from the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Mission and Values

Propósito en inglés

Valores en inglés


"Net Positive" Strategy

BAC aspires to be the first Financial Group in the world to establish a business strategy as a Net Positive bank; this means that it will create more environmental and social value than the footprints it produces through its operation in six Central American countries. 

At BAC, we are working to no longer be a bank that offers traditional financial solutions, but rather one that offers triple-positive-value financial solutions. 

For the institution, generating triple-positive value means that we will work to maximize and share social and environmental value with all our stakeholders, adhering to the same excellence and rigor with which we work to maximize economic value.

Financial Statements

Select a year to see the information:


All the documents

Statutes/Social Pact

Corporate Governance Code


The Board of Directors for BAC Holding International Corp. (hereinafter, the "Company"), in compliance with its duty to direct and outline general good governance policies for the Company, has compiled in this Good Governance Code certain normative, regulatory, and bylaw references, as well as certain internal policies and best practices that, in terms of good governance, must govern the Company’s development. 


The purpose of this document is to serve as a complement to the legal and statutory provisions applicable to the Company and to the documents provided by the Company regarding Corporate Governance.


Complete document



Internal Regulations for the Board of Directors


The purpose of this document is to serve as a complement to the Articles of Incorporation (“Agreement”) for BAC Holding International Corp. (the “Company”), in aspects related to the Company’s Board of Directors (“Board”) operations, in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement, in the Company’s corporate governance documents and for applicable legal provisions.


Complete document

Internal Operating Regulations for the General Shareholders' Meeting


The purpose of this document is to serve as a supplement to the Articles of Incorporation (“Agreement”) for BAC Holding International Corp.” (the “Company”), in aspects related to calling and holding the meetings for its General Meeting of Shareholders (the “General Meeting”), in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement, in the Company’s corporate governance documents and for the current legal provisions.


Complete document

Code of Ethics and Conduct


Through the Code of Integrity and Ethics, these outline the general behavior guidelines that Directors, Managers, Employees, and Suppliers of BAC Holding and its subsidiaries must maintain and practice on a daily basis, so that their actions conform to corporate values.


Complete document

Conflict of Interest Policy


This policy applies to employees, members of the corporate governance committee, and/or directors of the Board of Directors of BAC Holding International Corp. and its related entities, hereinafter BAC Holding, and to any operations carried out (via either their own resources or those from a third-party resource management activity), between: a) BAC Holding and its related entities; b) between BAC Holding, its related entities, and persons related to said entities; and c) between the administrators (the legal representative, the liquidator, the factor, the members of boards or boards of directors, and those who, in accordance with these statutes, exercise or hold those functions); and people with decision-making capacity in said entities.


Complete document

Policy for the Prevention and Control of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

BAC Holding International Corp. (BHI) is subject to the provisions indicated in Part III, Title I, Chapter VII of the Basic Legal Circular (External Circular 029 - 2014), issued by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia (SFC), through which "instructions on the prevention and control of money laundering and the financing of terrorism are established for issuers not supervised by the SFC.


Complete document

Corporate Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

The goal of this policy is to integrate elements of the internal control system to prevent and manage corruption events within BAC Holding International Corporation (BHI) and its related entities, by directing and promoting the principles and values propagated in relation to business ethics and policies, corporate entities, as well as to provide guidance to employees of BHI and its subsidiary entities regarding the application of guidelines defined in this policy.


Complete document

Policy for Comprehensive Risk Management

BHI and its financial sector subsidiaries manage risk based on applicable regulations in each country where they operate, best practices, and their internal policies, thus promoting a culture of risk prevention with scope extending to all its entities.


Complete document

BAC Corporate Ethical Line

BAC CORPORATE ETHICS LINE is available to employees, suppliers, contractors, shareholders, and other stakeholders. We want to promote transparency and a high ethical standards compliance, as well to prevent potential frauds, bad practices and irregular situations inside our organization and related entities.


If you are aware of events or potential situations related to fraud, bad practices, corruption, money laundering and any other irregular situation, please report your case through this platform.


BAC CORPORATE ETHICS LINE has been established under security parameters that guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided and protect the identity of the person.


Among the reports that can be made in this line are the inappropriate use and misappropriation of entity assets, deliberate acts against the values and principles of ethics and conduct, violation of norms, policies or procedures of the entity, unreliable financial information, improper actions of disclosure agreements or restricted information and other acts contrary to regulations until date.


Remember that this line is not the channel for receiving concerns or complaints.



Shareholding Structure



Request for Shareholder Income Certificate

Dear Shareholder, you may easily request an income statement certificate via the following link.


Consult and download income certificate


Inscripción Reforma al Pacto Social
27 de noviembre 2024

Principales decisiones de la Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas
15 noviembre 2024

Publicación del Informe Periódico Trimestral IIIQ 2024
14 noviembre 2024

Adopción de las Medidas del Capítulo VI, Título I, Parte III de la Circular Básica Jurídica de la SFC
14 noviembre 2024

Publicación convocatoria a la reunión extraordinaria 2024 - Junta General de Accionistas de BHI 
6 de noviembre 2024

Proyecto modificación parcial al Pacto Social
6 de noviembre 2024

Renuncia de miembro independiente de la Junta Directiva
24 de octubre de 2024

Principales decisiones de la Junta Directiva
24 de octubre de 2024

Cambio de dirección en oficina de BHI en Panamá
15 de octubre de 2024

Publicación separada Informe Gestión Anual 2023
11 de setiembre de 2024

Publicación del Informe Periódico Trimestral
IIQ 2024

Acuerdo Junta Directiva
6 de agosto de 2024

Segundo pago de dividendos 
29 de julio 2024

Modificaciones al Pacto Social
15 de mayo 2024

Publicación del Informe de Periódico Trimestral 1Q-2024
15 de mayo 2024

Periodo ex-dividendo
01 de abril 2024

Decisiones Junta General de Accionistas
21 de marzo 2024

Principales decisiones de la Junta General de Accionistas
20 de marzo 2024

Adopción de las Medidas del Capítulo VI, Título I, Parte III de la Circular Básica Jurídica de la SFC
14 de marzo 2024

Informe sobre prácticas, políticas, procesos e indicadores de los asuntos sociales y ambientales
27 de febrero 2024

Publicación convocatoria a la reunión ordinaria 2024 - Junta General de Accionistas de BHI 
27 de febrero 2024

Principales decisiones de la Junta Directiva 
22 de febrero 2024


Changes in the shareholding composition of BHI
December 29, 2022

Changes in the shareholding composition of BHI as a result of the takeover bid carried out in Colombia
December 19, 2022

BAC Holding International Corp. reports the authorization issued by CIMA on one of its indirect subsidiaries
December 15, 2022

Activación de Acción de BHI - Aviso de OPA sobre Acción de BHI 
November 21, 2022

Oferta pública de adquisición (“OPA”) en Colombia
19 de octubre 2022

Constitution of a new indirect subsidiary of BHI
October 24, 2022

Public acquisition offer (“OPA”) in Colombia
October 19, 2022

Publication of the IN-T Report related to the II quarter of 2022
August 30, 2022

Constitution of new BHI subsidiary
August 26, 2022

Complement to the information on voluntary liquidation of indirect subsidiary BAC Bank INC.
June 28, 2022

BAC Bank INC., indirect subsidiary of BHI, begins voluntary liquidation of banking license
June 27, 2022

Result of the takeover bid in Colombia
May 16, 2022

Annual Update Report
May 2, 2022

OPA authorization in Colombia
April 20, 2022

Public Acquisition Offer (“OPA”) in Colombia
March 30, 2022

Listing of BHI on the Colombian Stock Exchange
March 30, 2022

Perfecting Fusion by Absorption
March 29, 2022

Appointment of New Board of Directors
March 25, 2022

Merger by Absorption Agreement
March 23, 2022

Appointment of the Legal Representative of BAC Holding International Corp.
January 26, 2022

Reform of the Social Pact of BAC Holding International Corp.
January 25, 2022



Torre BAC_GUA (2)

BAC reimagina la banca y lanza la primera Tarjeta BIO de Centroamérica

En su camino para convertirse en el primer banco Neto Positivo y hacer banca con propósito, BAC cambiará el material de sus tarjetas actuales (plástico) por un material amigable con el medio ambiente

Auto de ruta eléctrica

BAC se propone impulsar la movilidad sostenible y lanza Ruta Eléctrica Centroamericana

Consecuente con su estrategia para convertirse en un Banco Neto Positivo y hacer banca con propósito, BAC está instalando, en sucursales clave a lo largo de toda Centroamérica, 31 estaciones gratuitas de carga eléctrica semi-rápida


BAC presentó informe que alinea su negocio con objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de la ONU y líderes de la banca global

En esta primera entrega destaca la creación de valor positivo para las personas y el medio ambiente a partir de una clara estrategia climática y con particular foco en la inclusión y en la salud financiera.

Sala de reuniones


billions in Assets by june 2024


billions in Portfolio by june 2024


billions in Deposits by june 2024


of transactions are digital by june 2024


million in Net Income by june 2024

*Data from BAC Holding International Corp. and subsidiaries

Contact Us

Make inquiries or request more information at the following link

Contact us


Irene Caballero

Investor Relations Manager
